They only feed us salad


Most people talk about how ate a ton garbage. I didn't realize that members feed us salad as a main course like 4 or 5 times a week until Sister Pierce came into my life. She REFUSES to eat salad. More for me😋

President Kotter took us all on a short hike. We melted under the sun. As he shared an inspirational story about knowing who you are to reach your potential, he invited us to recommit to the Lord. It was just what we needed. The moral of the story was, "You are an eagle. Not a chicken. Soar!" 

A super active Sister in the ward has a grandson who isn't baptized. She told us that he isn't a "golden investigator." So when we asked him if he wanted to meet with us again, he said yes, and the grandma went, "You ARE?" Whose side are you on?!?! We were all pleasantly surprised. It was awesome.

I love you all❣
Sister Hall


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